Homeless Discipleship Expanded to Thursday Evenings


Four months ago, True Freedom Ministries launched a discipleship program for men from the homeless shelter at 2100 Lakeside. Every Monday we transport a group of these men to our Cypress Avenue location where they are treated to a delicious, sit-down dinner, a DVD presentation on the Basics of Christianity, and a discussion facilitated by our dedicated volunteers.

After the Basics program, these men move into a study of the Book of John. And now, because of the generous donation of 25 laptops by Progressive Insurance, we are able to teach these clients computer skills and resume writing to prepare them for meaningful employment.

Since 64% of those in homeless shelters are addicted to drugs and alcohol, we are now transporting these same men to our Francis Avenue location on Thursday nights to attend our Addiction Recovery meetings and to receive additional discipleship. Here they attend a worship service with teaching focused around a specific principle for victorious Christian living.  After this, the topic is discussed in small groups, and then everyone rejoins the large group to close with prayer. The evening ends with a hot meal. Clothing and toiletry items are provided to those in need. We are so excited about the way God is working in the hearts of these men and for the privilege He is giving us to walk alongside them.  May He be greatly glorified!