Relaunch at reLink - By Maxine Lowe, Director of Reentry Employment

Relaunch at reLink

By Maxine Lowe, Director of Reentry Employment

After shutting down due to COVID, True Freedom Enterprises recently relaunched its pre-release, work release program for ten men, each of whom has nine months or less remaining on his prison sentence. TFE is a non-profit organization dedicated solely to workforce empowerment. This reentry program gives returning citizens a legitimate opportunity to find gainful employment by providing:

• Real-world work experience prior to release

• Transferable skills and certifications to increase human capital

• Job evaluations and job referrals from employers that can be used to secure post-release employment

• Access to re-entry resources to reduce financial barriers to reintegration

In short, True Freedom Enterprises equips clients with valuable skills prior to release, enabling them to reenter society successfully and reducing recidivism significantly. TFE (also known as Prospera Reentry) transports clients from Grafton Reintegration Center to reLink Medical in Twinsburg. reLink is the nation’s largest provider of medical equipment handling services.

Every Friday at lunchtime, True Freedom’s Executive Director Mike Swiger facilitates David Ramsey’s Financial Peace course for our clients at reLink. One student in the class said, “Mike is the man. He cares about us while in prison and once we get out. He’s giving us the tools to not only succeed but the key to life itself-- God!”

Many men in the work release program have trusted Christ as their Lord and Savior.

When asked, “What does True Freedom mean to you?” clients gave the following responses:

“True Freedom is greatly appreciated, allowing me to rebuild my life.”

-Jeremy Bruce

“True Freedom gives you the tools to better yourself and shows you how to use those tools once you’re released. I believe I can succeed once released because of the tools True Freedom has equipped me with.” -Bruce Porter

“True Freedom has helped me get on my feet and see the light God has shined on me even while incarcerated. True Freedom has given me hope. I’m enrolled in Grafton for Business Management school and have taken computer courses. I graduated with a 3.73 GPA, which I would have never been able to do without True Freedom. Whenever I meet with anyone from True Freedom, I feel like a human being. I believe God is my Lord and Savior, and without True Freedom, I don’t know where I would be.” -Clarence Tucker

Senior Vice President of Operations at reLink, Jeremy Dalton, shares that,

“It has been reLink Medical’s pleasure to partner with True Freedom as we work together to provide real world solutions to the rehabilitation, re-integration, and work force development of currently incarcerated individuals.”

True Freedom is so blessed to have such positive relationships with reLink Medical, Warden Foley, and the entire staff at Grafton Reintegration Center. We praise God for transforming the lives of our clients.

True Freedom Enterprises is giving our clients a second chance.

Would you prayerfully consider making a one-time or monthly donation

to help us accomplish this goal?