"Finally Free" by Inmate Andrew


Brother Swiger,

I currently have 161 days left on my 7-year sentence. I recently stopped Dr. Freeman on his rounds in the hole to get his most recent assortment of Christian literature. One of the things that he handed me was a booklet from Our Daily Bread. It was your testimony. Honestly, I only asked for those because it’s hard to come by reading material here in the hole, and I wanted something to help pass the time. I ended up not reading it until late in the evening, just before lights out.

“God Has a Plan” by Michael Swiger, Our Daily Bread

“God Has a Plan” by Michael Swiger, Our Daily Bread

I had a Christian upbringing when I was young before my mother passed when I was 8 years old. After she died my dad tried to continue raising me that way. However, as a teenager, I was very rebellious, and my dad couldn’t handle it while trying to help my mentally retarded brother who is ten years older than me. So, after numerous stints in juvenile, the court asked for custody and I was a ward of the state of Ohio until I was 18. While in all kinds of lockdown facilities, I only became more rebellious. I began using drugs and living as a bi-sexual.

Once I was released, I continued in these behaviors. I also began robbing and hurting people in other ways. I got a girl pregnant when I was 18. When my son was born, I was somewhere getting high. I ended up getting caught for robbery and serving a sentence in Kentucky. My dad died 9 days before I got out.  When released, I did the same old stuff.   

Throughout all of this, God called to me several times, but I ignored His calls. Then, after 3 years of the same decadent lifestyle, I got 7 years for robbery here in Ohio. During this bit I’ve heard the call from God several more times but kept telling myself I didn’t want to be a Christian because I couldn’t continue to be bi-sexual and be a Christian at the same time.

I’ve always known and firmly believed that God is real, that Christ died for our sins, and that He’d forgive me if I asked forgiveness, confessed, and turned away from my sins. The only problem was I didn’t want to turn away from my sins.

After reading your testimony, I heard God tell me it was time. I got on my knees and confessed every sin I could think of and started crying aloud. I did this all verbally, because I remember reading in the Bible to confess with your mouth. I told God I was sorry for ignoring Him all of these years and that I was ready to let go and let Him take over. I immediately felt His calming touch.  

I don’t know what He has planned for me in the near future. Honestly, I am scared. I only know before I got on my knees and cried out, I was truly lost. I now feel as though I have a purpose, even if He hasn’t yet revealed how He wants to use me. I have been reading the Bible and fervently praying.

When I woke up this morning, I felt as though God wanted me to write this letter. I thank you for your inspiration and want you to know that you helped me finally turn away from the life I was living and turn to the Lord.

In Christ,

Inmate Andrew


Mike Swiger

True Freedom Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to reaching people in jails and prisons, the homeless, the elderly in nursing homes, and those trapped in addiction, in Ohio, with the message of the true freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.